Quite often we get asked what are the benefits of using commercial services over doing it yourself at home or in the laundry. This is a very good question and not always a simple answer, but we have put together our existing customers believe to be their best reasons for trusting us to look after them.
We wash your items alone and do not mix with any others. This ensures a specific formula and service catered to your specific needs for the highest quality. Many bulk companies do not wash this way and unfortunately you do not know exactly what you are getting back and from where. Your business is unique and we believe you should be treated that way.
We have been around for a long time and understand the importance of clean, hygienic washing services that are delivered on time. Our customers trust us to look after them so they can focus on their core business without the stress of mismanaged laundry services. We have the experience to understand how to wash certain items from dirty tea towels to massage towels with oils. It takes care, experience and most importantly the right tools, detergents and chemicals to wash these things properly. Quite often these are not available domestically nor do domestic machines handle them well.
“Time is money” as the saying goes. What is the value of your time? Is it spent concentrating on your core business rather than spending time yourself or paying your staff to spend unproductive hours washing in a laundry? We can wash your items quickly, with high quality, drying and neatly folding/packaging delivering fresh and clean right back to your door, no hassles, no worries.
We believe in the philosophy that our customers always come first. You are the most important thing to us for without you we have no business. We listen and do our best to understand your business so as to become a service partner and not just a service provider.
We understand that your business does not always run like clockwork. Being a small business ourselves we are flexible and quick to respond and accommodate changes to your business needs.
We are local and we help support the local business community. If you need us we are close by….